SAOS Next Generation Award Recognises ‘Rising Star’
The SAOS Next Generation Award for 2023 has been awarded to Vicky Warcup who was recognised as ‘one to watch’ for her commitment and accomplishments at Farm Stock Scotland.
The SAOS Next Generation Award for 2023 has been awarded to Vicky Warcup who was recognised as ‘one to watch’ for her commitment and accomplishments at Farm Stock Scotland. SAOS Chairman, John Hutcheson, presented her with the award at a reception before SAOS’s Annual Conference Dinner at Dunblane Hydro Hotel (Thursday 26 Jan).
Vicky joined Farm Stock Scotland as a trainee after graduating from SAC at Edinburgh and has now been with the co-op for more than ten years. She has developed a keen understanding for co-operative working, and through the SAOS-run Co-op Staff Forum, Vicky has developed her knowledge of co-ops and their governance. She became the first Next Generation member representative of SAOS’s Council in 2021 and has since taken over from Ian Watson, when he retired from the Council, to represent Farm Stock’s members and the sector.
In addition to her “real eye for livestock” which made her “an instant hit with members”, the nomination put forward for her revealed “She has worked hard in what is typically a male-dominated red meat sector, rising through the ranks as a fields person and on to the Farm Stock Board and she now jointly leads the co-op in the dual role of Procurement/Joint Business Director. Vicky is well respected in the red meat procurement industry both in Scotland and South of the Border and is known for her skills as a formidable negotiator when it comes to representing her members’ interests. A real team player, Vicky and is a popular member of the staff team at Farm Stock Scotland.”
Presenting the award, John Hutcheson, SAOS’s Chairman, commented:
“Vicky’s hard work, commitment to the members and her overall contribution to the running of the co-op are a real credit to her. One of the topics we covered today was how difficult it is right now to recruit and retain young staff to the sector, so it is particularly pleasing to hear about young people thriving and developing a really good career through enthusiasm, hard work and a willingness to continue to learn. Vicky is a great example of what is possible.”
The Next Generation Award forms part of SAOS’s work looking at ways to encourage, motivate and recognise younger people involved in agricultural and rural co-ops. Nominees for the award must be 40 years of age or younger and must have made an impression on the industry with their leadership, vision and commitment to co-operation.
SAOS Co-op Development Manager, Robert Logan, who was closely involved with the award process and judging, commented:
“We were really delighted to receive a large number of nominations this year, and to hear of great work being done throughout the industry. It’s heartening to hear that there are lots of young individuals out there making a real difference in their co-ops and this was very clear from the spread of nominations we had.”